UnDisrupted with Adam & Carl

Moving the Needle to Equity

Episode Summary

Adam and Carl delve into the intriguing world of school leadership and social media. Joining them in this stimulating discussion is Henry Turner, the principal of Newton North High School in Newtonville, MA, bringing a wealth of experience to the table. Henry Turner shares his firsthand experiences and wisdom as a school principal who actively uses social media to connect with students, parents, and the wider school community. He provides valuable insights into the dos and don'ts of social media engagement for educational leaders. But the conversation doesn't stop there. The trio explores the crucial aspect of supporting equity in schools. They discuss how school leaders can leverage social media as a tool to promote equity, share resources, and amplify underrepresented voices.

Episode Notes

Additional Links:

 Newton North High  

Linkedin https://www.linkedin.com/in/henry-turner-8729b86/

Book- Change the Narrative: How to Foster an Antiracist Culture in Your School